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Other factors for men

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Erectile Dysfunction, also known as impotence, is a common condition. ED is the result of one, or more commonly, a combination of factors.  While in the past, ED was thought to be caused by psychological problems, new research shows that 90 percent of cases are due to organic causes. In any case, most men who experience ED have a secondary emotional problem that can make the situation worse, such as performance anxiety, low self-esteem, or guilt. Common physical causes of impotence include: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart and vascular disease, stress, hormone problems, pelvic surgery, venous leak and trauma. Fortunately, there are many treatment options for ED targeted to the root cause.

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is the inability to control the ejaculatory response for at least 30 seconds following vaginal penetration. This condition is a fertility problem when the man ejaculates before he is able to insert his penis fully into his partner’s vagina. Premature ejaculation can be treated by using a behavioral modification technique called the “squeeze technique” which desensitizes the penis. Artificial insemination is also a fertility solution.

Ejaculatory Incompetence

Ejaculatory incompetence is an uncommon condition that prevents men from ejaculating during sexual intercourse even though they can ejaculate normally through masturbation. This psychological condition can respond well to behavioral therapy. If this method does not work, artificial insemination can be used with ejaculate from masturbation.

Male age

A man produces billions of sperm throughout his lifetime; however, not all of his sperm will be functional or high quality. With age, the volume, quality, and motility, of men's sperm decline. According to research published in the journal Fertility & Sterility in 2001, researchers discovered that between ages thirty and fifty, the average man's sperm declines in volume by up to thirty percent, is five times more likely to be defective, and swims up to 37 percent slower.


Emotional stress plays a large part in male infertility, a factor that is often overlooked. Stress can impact the hormones that affect sperm production, which can make it more difficult for the sperm to reach the ovum, its ultimate destination.


Drinking alcohol can cause a discernible decrease in sperm count and contribute to an increase in abnormal sperm while decreasing the proportion of sperm that are motile. Alcohol also dramatically inhibits bodily absorption of zinc, one of the most essential minerals to male fertility.


Just in case the threat of lung cancer isn't enough of an incentive to quit smoking, male smokers should also be aware that the chemicals in cigarettes may also impact their fertility. Smoking cigarettes may result in a lower sperm count and an increase in abnormal sperm, compared to non-smokers.

BMI level

Studies conducted recently have discovered a link between fertility problems and obesity in men. One of the main causes of male infertility and, more specifically, of sperm health problems is being overweight or obese. 
Obesity can directly negatively impact male fertility. A few of the know effects include:

  • Low sperm count and/or concentration
  • Deteriorated sperm quality
  • Imbalance in hormones
  • Decreased libido
  • Increase in temperature of the scrotum


Causes of infertility for Men

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